
Prophetic Ministries

Prophetic Ministry speaks words of encouragement, edification, comfort and strength in the spirit of 1 Corinthians 14:1 and 3 : "Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy... He who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men." We sincerely desire to hear from the Lord, so that we may be encouraged and built up in our faith. To be trained in Prophetic Ministry or to receive Prophetic Ministry please contact the...

Prayer Teams

PRAYER MATTERS! PRAYER CHANGES THINGS! Matthew 21:22 ..."And whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and believing, you will receive." As we come together in unity and love, praying in faith and expectancy, we will see the blessings of God in action -in our lives and in the lives of others. We will see salvation's, healing's and miracle's. We will experience the presence and power of God. We'd love to have you join one of our Prayer...

Living Free

"Freedom" is at the heart of the life and message of Jesus Christ, and the mission of His followers. Living Free can help you identify where, why, and how you live in bondage of the enemy instead of in God's freedom and hope. Through Christ's power, you can break out of those bondage's to live in the freedom Jesus purchased for you by His death and resurrection. Contact the Church Office for more information and to register....

RVCC Youth

RVCC Youth meet Friday Nights at the River Valley Church Queen Street Campus unless otherwise announced. Watch the bulletin, Facebook and website Events for more details!

Healing from Divorce

Healing from Divorce is where you will learn how to heal from the deep hurt of divorce and discover hope for your future. Contact the Church Office for more information and to register.

Healing Room

The Healing Room is a ministry available to anyone who is desiring to be heard and prayed for. The Healing Room offers a quiet, relaxed and confidential setting and is staffed by caring volunteers who are specifically trained in Spirit-led listening and prayer. This ministry is led by Pastor Ken Roset. Prayer Hours:  By Appointment 403-504-0123 Come for Prayer. Come to the Healing Hands of Jesus.

Children’s Ministry-Promiseland

Linda Klaiber Phone: 403-504-0123 ext 5 Email: Sunday Morning Services 10:30am ...

Life Groups

If you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, you need to have an intentional relationship with people who desire the same thing.  Our life groups are designed to help you grow spiritually as well as develop a deeper sense of biblical community with like-minded people. No matter what stage of life you are currently in, we have a group that will meet your needs For more information or to join a group, please call...

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