Wesley Fehr – Custodian

I grew up and lived in and around Swift Current Saskatchewan. Started working as a custodian in 2002 at the same high school I attended a decade earlier. Seven years later became the facility operator of a K-12 school in Eastend, Sask.

Medicine Hat has been home since 2015 where I live with my wife and two sons.

We adventured to New Brunswick in the 2014/15 year. It was an incredible year for the whole family and the experience of selling our home and most of our belongings is not something we will forget.

I love golfing, going camping with my family, coffee dates with my wife – couch or cafe it doesn’t matter. Finding ways to engage with my sons is a wonderful challenge and a delightful journey.

I am blessed to be able to serve as the caretaker at River Valley Community Church.

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